Command Docs
Top Seeds
Info: This is a list of all commands some only work in certain versions
Game.Player.dropItems(); or Game.Player.dropAllItems(); force the player to drop all items
Game.Player.die(); kills the player
Game.Player.getPos(); logs the player's position
Game.countE(); logs the total number of entities
Game.Player.give(Pickaxe); gives the player a pickaxe
Game.force.item.plane(); forces an item plane to be summoned
Game.Player.give(RedMushroom); gives the player a red mushroom
Game.force.zombie(); forces an zombie to be summoned
Game.getSeed(); logs the random gen seed
Game.setSeed(); set the random world seed
Game.Player.give(MushroomStew); gives the player a mushroom stew
Game.Player.give(Bread); gives the player a bread
Game.force.rock.zombie(); forces an rock zombie to be summoned
Game.Player.give(GoldenHeart); guves the player a golden heart
Commands are not case sensitive!
You can run a command by pressing C and typing in a command.